A guest blog post by SEO Expert, Roo Wright.
If content creation is king, link building is queen. In the world of SEO, you need to focus on both in order to achieve a high level of success.But here’s something to remember:
Link building strategies of the past don’t yield a high level of results in today’s day and age. In fact, the wrong techniques can actually work against you.
For this reason, natural link building should always be on your mind. With this, you aren’t directly asking others to link to your content. And you definitely aren’t spending money on links.The gambling industry is competitive, but many marketing professionals and site owners in this space don’t know the first thing about SEO. This provides you with the unique opportunity to push your site to the top of the rankings, all without having to take part in borderline tactics.
Here are three of the best natural link building tips for the gambling industry:
High Quality Content Gets Shared
Hands down, this is the best natural link building tip there is. When you focus on creating high quality, unique content, everything else will take care of itself.
People enjoy linking to content that is unique. They will link to your content if you have something valuable to add to the conversation.
So, rather than spend your time chasing links, focus on creating the highest quality content in your niche. Not only will this increase the number of backlinks, but it also improves your site in an overall sense.
Social Media
There is more to this than the links that you include in your profile. There is more to this than posting links to your content on Twitter and Facebook.
What we’re talking about here is sharing your best content with your audience. Your goal is simple: for these people to visit your site, enjoy what you have to say, and share the content with their readers.
Ideally, you want others to link to your content from their website. However, social shares by your audience are just as important, as this increases your reach.
Email Outreach
This may not be the most natural way to build links, but it’s a strategy that many people are using to their advantage.
There aren’t nearly as many people doing this in the gambling industry, as compared to others, so it’s something that could provide a high level of success. This is a three step process:
- Create a high quality post on a unique subject.
- Reach out to bloggers who may be interested in the topic matter.
- Ask them to read your post and provide feedback.
At no point do you have to ask for a link. If your content is valuable, some bloggers will be more than willing to share it with their audience.
If you want to achieve link building success as someone in the gambling space, it’s best to take a natural approach. With the three tips above on your side, getting started can be simple, fast, and efficient.
Roo Wright has been successfully building affiliate businesses in the online gambling space for over 10 years. Visit his latest site, Hityah.com, for an example of good SEO practices.