5 Tips To Deal With Negative Feedback On Your iGaming Brand

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There is no such thing as bad publicity.These words have been thrown around in business for decades, yet does this still apply in today’s digital world?

Thanks to the immense amount of time people spend online, and with the help of social media, a bad review can be seen by thousands in a matter of minutes. This has a particular impact on iGaming brands, since content found on affiliate sites has a huge impact on brand reputation. It only takes one player to share a complaint on a top affiliate site to severely tarnish a brand’s integrity.

With so many channels available, players and affiliates have countless opportunities to express their concerns with your iGaming brand. To help you navigate this tricky situation, here are five tips to minimise backlash and even come out on top.

1. Put Yourself In Their Shoes

The chances of you convincing the writer to change their mind are relatively slim. Whether the facts in the negative press are founded or not, it is important to remember that all information in a review is true to the person in question.

That being said, think back to the last time you had a negative experience with a company. Now think of how you would have liked the situation to be resolved. Your plan on how to deal with negative comments should always keep the customer’s perspective in mind.

2. Be Quick On The Draw

The easiest way to downplay damaging press is to act quickly. If a player posts a negative review on one of the top affiliate sites, it is vital to reply as soon as possible. Nothing looks worse than a bad review that has been pending for weeks, especially if there was a back-and-forth that suddenly dropped off.

Posting a response will show that you care that your customers are unhappy and that you are looking to find a solution. A well formulated reply will also lessen the impact the review will have on other customers, seeing as any new readers will take the reply into consideration as well.

3. Honesty Is The Best Policy

For the most part, the truth always surfaces. Though telling a white lie is likely the easy solution in the short-term, long-term consequences can be very damaging. Every time the truth is avoided, the hole gets deeper and deeper, so much so that it becomes hard to get out.

Even if there was an error made by your business, there is no shame in admitting to it. Obviously, sometimes the full truth cannot be disclosed, as not every aspect of a business is public knowledge. Yet being as honest as possible will provide authenticity to your reply and protect you from any issues down the road.

4. Silence Is Golden…Sometimes!

Let’s be honest: some complaints do not deserve a response. If a player is being disrespectful, using profane language or libelling the brand name, sometimes it is best not to reply. People like this are usually just poking the bear and hoping to get a response.

Most importantly, the last thing a business should do is enter into an online argument. This can be extremely time consuming and does not look professional. In cases like these, sometimes it is best to remain silent.

5. Prove Them Wrong

Every bad review is an opportunity to step up and prove you are a great business. Providing a solution to the issue in question is the easiest way to stop complaints in their tracks.

Reviews also contain honest customer feedback and can provide extremely important insight to how you conduct your business. Looking at this information is the best way to pinpoint where your business can improve.

So, Is There Such Thing As Bad Publicity?

Setting up a crisis management plan may be fairly time consuming, yet this is definitely a worthwhile investment of your resources. A well formulated and prompt response can not only minimise the harm caused by a bad review, but also actually improve your brand’s reputation.

Therefore, it is safe to say that all publicity is indeed good publicitywhen dealt with correctly.

Got any tips to add to this list? Let us know in the comments below.