The iGaming Super Show and Amsterdam Affiliate Conference is just around the corner. Are you ready?
The iGaming Super Show and Amsterdam Affiliate Conference (AAC) takes place next week — from 23 to 26 June in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. For iGaming operators, affiliates and enthusiasts alike, this event is a must! The Income Access Team will be there, and we have some tips for you to help you get the most out of your conference experience.https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=10&v=ey_L_VzPwEI1. Know Your OptionsThe Super Show is a massive conference. With an expected 3,500 delegates from hundreds of companies, more than 100 speakers, eight events, and 100 exhibition stands, it can be overwhelming to make a conference plan that includes everything that’s most relevant to you and your goals. The first stepis to know your options! Start by checking out the official event page, speaker list and exhibition floor plan.2. Pick, Prioritize & Make a ‘Plan B’Once you have an idea of what options are available to you, start to narrow down which speakers and activities are the most important to you. Of the items that pique your interest, make three lists: must-do, want-to-do, and could-do-without, and fill your schedule accordingly. That way, when an inevitable last-minute change pops up, you’ll be able to most effectively re-prioritize your schedule with a ready-made ‘Plan B’.3. Don’t OverbookWhile it’s important to plan a full schedule for yourself to maximize your conference experience, it’s equally important not to overbook yourself! Make sure that you will physically be able to attend the events and activities you have planned – set aside time to eat a proper meal, get some sleep, and take a breath. You won’t be able to take advantage of all the opportunities available if you’re completely drained after day one.4. Comprehensive NetworkingNetworking is a major component of the Super Show and AAC. Be sure to attend the evening networking events that are scheduled, but also make sure to engage in “unscheduled” networking:
social media. There are entire conversations about speakers and events taking place on social media platforms that can be just as valuable as a cocktail event – leverage your social media presence to connect with other attendees, get feedback on any tabling or presenting you may be doing, and stay in the loop on conference buzz!5. ExploreLast but not least: try to leave yourself some time to sight-see. Whether this will be your first time in Amsterdam or you’re a Super Show veteran, there is something in the city for everyone. Give yourself an extra day or two, or at least some of your evenings, to unwind and explore. Use it as an opportunity to recharge, because soon enough you’ll be back at the office following up on all of the exciting new connections and insights you gleaned from the conference.Don’t forget – the Income Access Team will be set up at Booth C40 at the Amsterdam RAI ready to talk all things iGaming. We would love for you to stop by for a demo of our award-winning affiliate management software, or to enter a prize draw to win some great prizes! We will be drawing for an iPad Mini 3 (16 GB Wi-Fi) from our partner Ready-to-Bet andan iPad Mini 2 (32 GB Wi-Fi) from our partner Lucky Streak. If you want to set up a meeting with the team, drop us line. See you in Amsterdam!