Get ready for another weekend of Halloween excitement at Dragonara Online Casino! This year’s fun will come in the form of a special Halloween Boo-nus and an awesome Cash Challenge, both of which are sure to get you in spirit for the holiday.
But beware -- the bonus will not last long! It will only run during the weekend leading up to Halloween and end on the day itself (Friday, October 27th to Tuesday, October 31st). So, make sure you start promoting this great offer before it’s too late!
Spooky Boo-nus
This Halloween, Dragonara Online Casino is offering their players a special limited time Boo-nus, which adds a 100% match boo-nus up to €50 to their already extensive promotion list. This boo-nus cash can be wagered on the casino’s spooky Halloween-themed slot games. No, this is not a trick: the Dragonara Halloween boo-nus is sure to be a real treat!Themed Slots
Dragonara have really outdone themselves this year by bringing in very popular Halloween-themed slots from a range of the industry’s top software providers. Players will be able to use their special boo-nus towards the following themed slots:Blood Suckers → developed by NetEntBlood Suckers II → also developed by NetEntCreature from the Black Lagoon → NetEntDark Queen → EGTDay of the Dead → IGTDisco Night Friday → MicrogamingDracula → NetEntGhost Pirates → NetEntGhostbusters → IGTGothic → MicrogamingGrim Muerto → Play’n GOHalloween → Microgaming
Halloweenies → MicrogamingHappy Halloween → Play’n GOHellboy → MicrogamingThe Invisible Man → NetEntLucky Witch → MicrogamingMythic Maiden → NetEntThe Twisted Circus → MicrogamingWild Blood → Play’n GOWinning Wizards → MicrogamingWitches Wealth → MicrogamingZombies → NetEnt
Creepy Cash Challenge
For players who aren’t interested in the Halloween match boo-nus, Dragonara is offering an amazing cash challenge, where the top five wagering players during the promotion period will each earn a share of a €1,000 cash pool. The prize pool will be divided among the five winners as follows:- Top prize: €400
- Second prize: €300
- Third prize: €150
- Fourth prize: €100
- Fifth prize: €50
Join Dragonara Partners
If a Halloween boo-nus is what you seek,Dragonara’s offer will sure make you shriek.
Your players will all run to go play there,
And the new themed slots will give them a scare.
Your players will be eager to play a lot,
To win a share of that huge prize pot.
Become a Dragonara Partner, make your ads seen,
And make some money with us this Halloween!