Last week our Managing Director Nicky Senyard chaired a webinar panel discussion hosted by eGR. She was joined in our London office by Gaming Realms founder Simon Collins and remotely by Luisa Woods, VP of Online and Internet Marketing at Tropicana Entertainment, and Harry Lang, Pinnacle’s Marketing Director.
The webinar covered a range of hot topics and trends around acquisition and retention marketing that our industry can expect to see in 2017.
As we covered lots of ground, it left little time for the panellists to fully answer all the excellent questions submitted during the webinar.
We took the time to find your answers and have posted them here below.
Missed the webinar entirely? We’ve included a link below to view the key takeaways, and a link to watch the full webinar.Attendee Question: You talk about the growth of programmatic marketing and retargeting, Luisa. Are you using a post-view attribution model to drive marketing, or focusing on last click?
Luisa Woods (LW): While we’ve looked at post-view attribution to inform our understanding of campaign effectiveness, our optimisation is still currently focused on last click for acquisition attribution.
Q: Is programmatic marketing a channel you'll be utilising more in 2017, Luisa? And if so, which agencies will you be looking to work with?
LW: We will be looking to continue and ideally expand it. New agencies are constantly under consideration.
Q: What are your thoughts on no-deposit offers for acquisition?
Harry Lang (HL): The first (and most important) question if you’re looking at running a no-deposit bonus campaign would be, “How do I mitigate fraudulent behaviour?” No deposit offers are obviously hugely popular (the word ‘free’ always seems to bring out the shopper in people), but by definition they tend to be high uptake/low conversion tools.
My suggestion would be to use them to try and reengage with previously valuable lapsed customers who you’re trying to attract back and ultimately reactivate – perhaps when launching a new product vertical, mobile offering or casino game.
LW: In the New Jersey market, because customer verification processes are so exhaustive and our population is limited, no deposit acquisition offers have not been critical nor highly effective because of restrictions placed on individuals holding multiple accounts and being able to abuse no deposit offers.
Takeaway: Use no deposits to re-engage your lapsed players, and consider relevant market conditions.
Q: Simon, what are your thoughts on video on demand (VOD) complementing TV? How are you measuring and building this into your marketing mix?
Simon Collins (SC): We have found it expensive compared to TV, but VOD offers the obvious tracking advantage. We are still experimenting, but so far it’s clear that video on Facebook is very effective at driving new players. Other mediums such as YouTube are harder to measure on a direct response basis.
Q: What is your best advice to increase the amount of time a customer spends online?
LW: We are heavily focused on frequency rather than time on device per session. Retention gauntlets have been created to establish regular play patterns and reward sequential days of activity.
SC: Speed is also essential for a good user experience.
HL: Product, product, product! If the customer is getting great odds or game content in an easy to view UX-driven environment on the device of their choosing, you’ve removed most of the primary reasons for them to disengage.
Q: Just to provide insight into data measurement, if you could only measure three KPIs for retention and three for acquisition what would they be?
- The cost of acquisition for a high-quality player
- Conversion to paid customer
- Total website traffic
- Revenue on a daily, weekly and monthly basis
- Number of new funded accounts
- Blended CPA
- Lifetime value of the player
- Frequency of play
- Total number of deposits per player
- CRM opening and click rates
- Mean monthly deposit amounts
- Active player days
A big ‘thank you’ to the panel for their answers!In addition to these insights, check out all of the webinar’s key takeaways in the presentation below.
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Get ready for an exciting 2017. Want to know how to apply these strategies using your Income Access Software? Contact your dedicated account manager, or drop us a line here.