In our second Meet the IA Team blog post of 2019, we speak to Affiliate Marketing Coordinator Martin Van De Wyngard. Martin discusses his experience and shares key lessons after five months working in his role at Income Access, as well as his passion for sports, art and travel.
Name: Martin Van De Wyngard
Position: Affiliate Marketing Coordinator
Background: Martin joined the Income Access team in October 2018. He graduated from the John Molson School of Business, earning himself a Bachelor of Commerce with a Double Major in Marketing and International Business at Concordia University in Montreal.
Read further to learn more about the iGaming brands Martin has been working with since joining the affiliate marketing team.
Martin shares his experiences as an Affiliate Marketing Coordinator
Tell us what it’s like filling the shoes of an Affiliate Marketing Coordinator.
At the beginning, it’s a lot of information to take in. When you read the training documentation it can seem overwhelming, but once you get to the practical aspects of the role, you get more familiar with things.
Communicating with your client is important in order to assist with their daily operations and negotiate deals. Because I work with clients abroad like HAMABET and, my day begins with checking that all my stats are imported. Then, I catch up on emails and Skype conversations, respond to urgent requests and get on calls with potential affiliates and clients. In the afternoon, things slow down, so I look for new opportunities and put together monthly reports.
On a weekly basis, I update my clients on key stats of their programme growth and focus on getting approvals for potential deals.
You’ve completed a few internships in Chile and in Montreal before joining IA. How did those experiences help you transition into your role?
The internships in Chile helped me get a better understanding of what a corporate office runs like on a day-to-day basis. Seeing how different departments worked on specific objectives and how they came together for projects was really cool.
During my studies in Montreal, I’d spend the summers in Chile and apply my knowledge into those roles abroad. One challenge for me was translating technical marketing terms in Spanish. I also experienced longer work hours.
My internships in Montreal were for much smaller companies – digital marketing and social media agencies– which actually ended up with me getting a role where I had to manage a team of interns.
For me, the biggest transition was moving away from Chile. However, my work experiences ultimately taught me key communication, analytical, leadership and time management skills.
What two things do individuals starting out in the affiliate marketing space need to know?
Affiliate marketing has lots of technical terminology, so you need a general understanding of how things like redirect links, cookies and tracking work.
The second thing would be to have a considerate approach when communicating with people from different backgrounds. You also need to find that balance between a casual and more corporate tone of communication based on the channel used.
What’s one skill you’ve improved on ever since becoming an affiliate coordinator?
Definitely communications skills, because you’re constantly doing it. With practice, you get better at negotiating deals, presenting ideas and managing any issues that may arise.
What are your aspirations as you continue to grow into this role?
I hope to achieve all the long- and short-term goals my clients have, and grow all my programmes while building good affiliate relationships that I can explore in the future. I also want to manage an affiliate programme from scratch, build a good number of affiliates and exceed their expectations when it comes to the marketing channels they promote.
Get to know Martin!
You’re a self-taught graphic designer. Tell us how and when your interest in creating artwork first began.
At the end of high school, I was given the freedom to move away from traditional art mediums and create artwork on the computers in art class. Later, I took business courses which increased my interest in the business elements of design like ads, presentations, brochures and posters. Today, I have six years of design experience and have since been able to keep creating digital art.
Of the artwork you created, which is your all-time favourite piece? Where did you get your inspiration from?
My favourite piece is a skyline I made that resembles a soundwave. It shows the transition between my life in Dubai to my journey in Montreal. I used Photoshop to design it with elements from different pictures of skylines. Then, I separated the city’s architectural buildings to define them and finally put them together into one piece. Once that was done, I printed it, cut out the stencil and spray painted my work onto three canvases.
In addition to your passion for arts, you also like to travel. What are your top five must-see destinations?
My top five must-see destinations are: China (for the Great Wall of China and temples), Tanzania (for the Serengeti National Park and the sights of Mt Kilimanjaro), Chile (it’s where I’m from, plus in the north you have the driest desert in the world contrasting with the forests/glaciers found in the south), Mauritius (a beautiful little island) and Berlin (for its street art and food).
Speed Round!
What’s your favourite…
Food: Sushi
Movie: Fight Club
Sport: Basketball
Animal: Elephant
Music Artist: Kid Cudi
To discover more about the affiliate marketing services offered by Martin and our Affiliate Team, please reach out.