In the first half of this two-part guest blog, the team from Slotsquad.co.uk offer their insights on product design and information delivery in the mobile market
The revolution of iGaming products and the burgeoning sector of mobile game delivery have opened up a new frontier through which online marketers must now venture – a territory previously uncharted and teeming with possibility.Virtual casinos and online games are changing in terms of how customers choose to engage them. The means by which players consume products for entertainment value are changing; players are no longer housebound or confined to static internet resources and customers can extend their reach beyond desktop delivery systems and fixed cables.
In an ecosystem focused on robots, mobile and all things Apple, iGaming has uprooted and now moves freely across a landscape much bigger than ever anticipated. Although still in its infancy, the market is growing faster than a creature out of a 1980’s Sci-Fi horror movie.
Mobile gaming is the new battlefield of customer acquisition and conversion – it’s a battlefield for which Slotsquad has already begun to mobilise. Slotsquad.co.uk, an avid user of the Income Access affiliate marketing system, believes that affiliates must now concentrate on preparing for momentous changes in terms of how “product connectors” do their business. In this article, the team at Slotsquad shares some of their marketing prowess in taking a closer look at modernising for mobile.
Platform and Product Design
By 2018, the Apple iPhone and its big brother, the iPad, will serve as powerful mediums in terms of premium gaming delivery systems – Android handsets will join them for the middle market. Both technology brands and their associated hardware and operating systems will become significant tools in focusing revenue streams from the mass populous of mobile gaming customers. Therefore, use these tools!Any casino brand or affiliate site helping to lead a sale for that particular brand should be evaluated using both IOS and Android-powered handsets. Quality assurance teams should also be brutal in their analysis and provide candid feedback on the product. Key attributes will include software package size, live streaming capabilities and game selection. Variety is possibly the most important aspect of choosing a mobile casino, as is ensuring players get the best options made available to them.
Information Delivery
The iPhone, iPad and almost all Android devices, regardless of tablet or smartphone variant, have all made compromises in terms of screen width and resolution oversight. It’s these limitations that allow the devices to retain battery supply capacity, maximum pixelation parameters and control functionality. It’s the reason these pocket-sized computers remain light, fast and flexible to user input and commands. But some software applications can make these smartphones and tablets run hot, work harder than they need to and force compromise on graphical or textual elements.
Product reviews should feature powerful positives and important negatives, in bullet point format, positioned as close as possible to the top of the page. Any graphics used should be small yet effective, showing the product in its best light and the information itself must be mobile responsive.
If you’re telling mobile players about mobile products, make sure they know what it is they’re looking at and why – quickly!Check back tomorrow for part two, which will focus on mobile customers and tracking tools.